Saturday, January 8

The Girl Scouts of America

The countdown has begun...cookie sales in southern Nevada will begin in about 11 days where I can visit this site to find out when the cookies will be available in your area...Girl Scouts is such a valuable organization. It teaches young girls leadership skills. The money that comes directly from your cookie purchases is what keeps the organization going. So, consider it a charitable donation to the success of a new generation of young future female leaders in America. Here is a picture of my all time favorite...
Samoas or Caramel Delights....can't get enough of these babies...I always buy alot of boxes and have to hide them from everyone...
So...what's your favorite?
And don't forget to support a wonderful organization....

Monday, January 3

I'm Working On A New Blog

So along with everything else going on..I am working on a new blog..If you shop for kids, love opinions, read reviews or are just plain bored..follow along on my new blog..

Here is a screenshot of the homepage...

So to get to there from here simply click

The Embellished Child

or click the link to right of this post under Find Me @

Still working on prims and hope to have updates soon...

Here's to having a great New Year!!!



Translate My Blog....

Locals If You Love A Good Farmers Market

If you love a good farmer's market...locals check out this one
240 Water Street Downtown Henderson,NV at the Events Plaza every Thursday
200 S Green Valley Parkway Henderson,NV every Friday.... See you there....
The Pattern Blurb

Most of the items I create are from my own original designs...occassionally I use a pattern purchased from another designer....I always try to give the designer credit...if it has been omitted because I rushed or had brain fade...please let me know....sometimes it will be in a previous post...if you come across a pattern used and nowhere has the designer been given credit...I will go back and post the designer's name....